Unite, time to protect... Our rights


  1. Ensure access to housing for LGBTQIA+ individuals and expose discriminatory practices by landlords and banks.
  2. Uphold the fundamental rights of asylum seekers by providing them with housing, with a particular focus on the safety of racialised and LGBTQIA+ individuals. Offer rapid alternatives in cases of LGBTQIA+-phobic violence in these housing arrangements.
  3. Train all personnel, including members of the CGRA, FEDASIL, and interpreters, on the realities faced by LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers.
  4. Guarantee a safe working environment for sex workers, with protections against profession-specific risks in the workplace.
  5. Include an anti-discrimination clause explicitly mentioning LGBTQIA+ individuals in all elderly care institutions. This must be monitored and reported by inspection bodies in case of violations.
  6. Establish a clear legal framework for surrogacy, which is currently tolerated in Belgium. Address the legislative gap and replace the term “gestational woman” with “gestational person” in official texts (bioethics committee).
  7. Prohibit the exclusion of sex workers from shelters and emergency housing.
  8. Guarantee a place for all asylum seekers, thereby ending the numerous violations of international obligations.
  9. Prioritise access to open shelter spaces for vulnerable LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers.
  10. Standardise reporting mechanisms to obtain more accurate statistics and establish an observatory to monitor violence against LGBTQIA+ individuals.