Unite, time to protect... Our freedom


  1. Advocate for fair and accurate LGBTQIA+ representation in the media and fight misinformation, particularly through improved training and education.
  2. Ensure the safety and well-being of LGBTQIA+ individuals in the workplace by protecting their health and addressing psychosocial factors.
  3. Provide better support for transgender people and migrants in their job search and access to employment.
  4. Develop and fund an ambitious cultural and community-based policy to uplift and celebrate every LGBTQIA+ community.
  5. Establish international partnerships and position Brussels as a capital of LGBTQIA+ culture.
  6. Ensure that asylum requests based on LGBTQIA+ discrimination are assessed through the self-determination of asylum seekers.
  7. Demand an end to the exclusion of transgender and intersex women from international women's competitions (athletics, cycling, chess, swimming, etc.).
  8. Guarantee the right and freedom of LGBTQIA+ people to gather throughout the year in Belgium, Europe and the rest of the world.
  9. Sanction European countries that seriously infringe freedom of association and restrict freedom of expression.
  10. Create and support the development of ‘SAFER’ spaces in all cultural, nightlife, cruising and tourist venues.